Eight-lane expansion of the A 10 between motorway junction Nuthetal and motorway junction Potsdam

Service period:
2012 – 2025

Project client:
DEGES Deutsche Einheit Fernstraßenplanungs- und -bau GmbH

Project volume:
€ 50,000,000

Project description

In the scope of the German Unity Transport Project No. 11, the eight-lane expansion of the motorway A10 between motorway junction Potsdam and motorway junction Nuthetahl is planned.

This section of the Berlin Ring is the busiest section, with a predicted traffic load of up to 126,000 Kfz/24h and a heavy goods vehicles share of up to 26 %.

The approx. 8.2 km long route section encompasses the A10, the junctions Michendorf and Ferch and 700 m of the Michendorf bypass (B2n).

Part of the construction measure is the conversion and expansion of five bridge structures, approx. 5,500 m sound protection walls and approx. 30 gantries.

Engineering services

  • Project planning of road traffic facilities, performance phase 6-9
  • Project planning of civil engineering structures, performance phase 6-9
  • Construction supervision
  • Surveying